Notated notes on learning, design, & life

Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd Edition

I’m so glad to see that the third edition of Marijn Haverbeke’s excellent Eloquent JavaScript is out.

He’s updated it to reflect modern JavaScript, but he wisely leaves alone topics which are subject to tumultuous change:

So it is not uncommon for the code that you find in an NPM package or that runs on a web page to have gone through multiple stages of transformation—converted from modern JavaScript to historic JavaScript, from ES module format to CommonJS, bundled, and minified. We won’t go into the details of these tools in this book, since they tend to be boring and change rapidly. Just be aware that the JavaScript code that you run is often not the code as it was written.

I hope to give this a more thorough read over the next weeks. If you haven’t read the earlier editions, now’s a great time to pick this up.