Button School
I’m currently building Button School in Barcelona. Our first course is a 12-week product design bootcamp.
Teaching Playbook
I’ve learned a lot of strategies and techniques for teaching and supporting other teachers over the years. This is where I cobble together what I’ve learned from others to pay it forward.
UX/UI Barcelona
I used to teach a 9-week immersive course on user experience and user interface design at the Ironhack campus in Barcelona, Spain. I keep this website as a record of each class, which includes a lot of helpful resources for anyone else teaching or learning about UX. Enjoy!
Midnight Breakfast
Midnight Breakfast is a literary magazine I started with Rebecca Rubenstein and Taylor Pavlik. We now occasionally publish issues chock full of great fiction and nonfiction writing, paired with beautiful illustrations.
Learn CSS
This is an oldie that I’ve been considering dusting off at some point. The content is a bit dated, but I think this is still worth looking at as a nice approach to learning the basics of HTML and CSS, with the ability to see the results change as the code changes.