notes on learning, design, tools, & life

The Impossible Project 

From the homepage:

We aim to re-start production of analog INTEGRAL FILM for vintage Polaroid cameras in 2010. We have acquired Polaroid’s old equipment, factory and seek your support.


(via Gruber)

What’s That Song in “Wall-e”? 

“Put on Your Sunday Clothes” by Michael Crawford. I still don’t know what I think of the movie as a whole, but I love the music and the animation.

The Book Cover Archive 

Everyone else is doing it. I might as well too.

Le Mépris 

I love these:

Overall, what you hear not only fits (lightly) the classical genre, it can be described more accurately by the terms experimentalism and minimalism. Le Mépris comes from a Jean Luc Godard film.

We Should Have Paid More Attention 

Andrew Sullivan:

Eight years ago, Will Ferrell performed Bush’s future first State Of The Union. It could stand for his farewell address as well.

Jizz In My Pants 

Uh… Thanks, Cat.

UPDATE: This is brilliant. I can’t stop watching.


Yet another new favorite music blog. I also love the design of this one. Redesigned 

The text is much easier to read. I’m still getting used to the border though. It definitely smacks of one of his old designs Always nice to see some continuity on the web, especially with redesigns.

Episode Two – Garage Band 

The second episode of the Fawkward Podcast is up. Take a gander.

Jean-Yves Lemoigne’s Fabrik Project 

Interesting take on pixel art. Possibly NSFW.

(via Adam)

Famous Last Nerds 

Absolutely brilliant rap comedies. Don’t miss “Wassup Holmes” or “Hamlet in a Minute.” (Thanks, Cat.)


Really sweet short film. (Thanks, Cori.)


Another new favorite music blog.

The Monsters of “Where The Wild Things Are” 

A sneak peek at the art direction for Spike Jonze’s upcoming movie based on Maurice Sendak’s children’s book. This test footage looks a little odd though. (Thanks, Gabe.)

“The Noises Rest” 

Inspiring video sketch from the makers of You Look Nice Today. This, paired with a recent re-viewing of Ratatouille. Take it away, Ego:

In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau’s famous motto, “Anyone can cook”. But I realize – only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.


Khoi Vinh on I Love Typography’s favorite typefaces of 2008:

Newzald looks like Matrix, FF Utility looks like Klavika, Soho looks like Apex Serif, etc.

Granted, I’m just being a jerk here.

He does, however, recommend MEgalopolis Extra, an interesting font with some great alternates. And free!

I’m Waking Up to … 

One of my new favorite music blogs, thanks to a project Adam and I are working on.

Earth, observed 

The Big Picture has some of the most gorgeous NASA photos of the Earth.


I’ve made no secret recently of my love for the up-and-coming blogging engine Chyrp, but there’s one CMS that I always return to for major projects: Textpattern It is absolutely my favorite CMS and just keeps getting better, even if a little slowly. What I love about it is its attention to detail and super-powerful templating engine.

Textpattern is quirky though, and takes some getting used to. One thing that sets it apart is the fact that all of its templates and stylesheets are edited through the browser and never as files. One nice thing about this is it makes it super fast – all the templates are stored in the database. However, it can get a little annoying typing in CSS through a web interface, so I always find myself installing this great plugin from Utter Plush. As the name suggests, it allows you to insert tab characters in admin textareas using some clever javascript. Very handy.

“Beauty and the Brain” 

Nice recording of the first PEAT(Private Ear Audio Theatre) radio show. If you’re in New York, their second show is coming up on the 25th.

Palm Pre Announcement 

Great introduction, but I remain skeptical until I can get my hands on one. (I was originally excited about the Foleo, so.) Warning: The demo guy uses the word “newness” a lot.

Series Of Concentric Circles Emanating From Glowing Red Dot 

When shapes attack. (Thanks, Gabe.)

Private Ear Audio Theatre 

Gabe really did a great job with the graphics for their new site.

Gruber Agrees with Tom Krazit 

And I agree with them both. It doesn’t make any sense for Apple to do CES next year. But, I’ve been wrong before.

Making Modular Layout Systems 

Jason Santa Maria for 24 Ways:

For all of the advantages the web has with distribution of content, I’ve always lamented the handiness of the WYSIWYG design tools from the print publishing world. When I set out to redesign my personal website, I wanted to have some of the same abilities that those tools have, laying out pages how I saw fit, and that meant a flexible system for dealing with imagery.

He announced last week that he’s leaving Happy Cog He also recently discussed the possibilities of the “end” of print. He’s definitely one of those designers that marks the transition from print to web – he’s obscenely talented with both.

New Google Favicon 

Check it out.

Apple at CES next year? 

I’m skeptical, but it would be interesting to see how this would change CES.

(Thanks, Alex.)

Gruber’s Macworld Expo 2009 Predictions 

Good list, as usual. I agree with this part in particular:

At the top of my personal wish list: improvements to iMovie and Pages. I see the logic behind Apple’s decision to scrap the old iMovie and start over from the ground up with iMovie ’08. But I find iMovie ’08 downright confusing. The difference between “events” and “projects” seems muddled, and it’s a clumsy tool when it comes to actually editing clips together to make a movie. As for Pages, I would love to see it gain additional professional-caliber typographic controls (including better support for OpenType fonts).


My newest theme for Chyrp. It’s way to specific for anyone to use it, right?

I think I may leave it as the default theme for the Chyrp Themes site.

Richardson Out 

I really should pay more attention to the news. I didn’t even know there was a scandal brewing. First impression: this is a real shame.

“No! You can go back to your, what do you call it, your Google, and you figure out all that.” 

George H. W. Bush, when asked to elaborate on his son’s failures as President. Go to the link to watch it, it’ll make more sense.


I don’t really speak French, but these songs by the Tiger Lillies are a great find, especially “Anger.” Give them a listen. (The photo’s fun too. I bet they’re great to see live.)

Happy New Year 

Not suitable for those with faint constitutions. (Thanks, Eve.)

The Ballmer Peak 

Good to keep in mind when programming on New Year’s Eve.

Area Woman Becomes Republican Vice Presidential Candidate 

Somehow I missed this report from Wasilla, Alaska.

Gel Videos 

Added to the “to watch” file. (via Kottke)

Noelani Pantastico 

One of the best personal dance websites I’ve ever come across. (Thanks, Alice.)

Dan Rather’s Lawsuit Against CBS 

Rather was fired the day after the 2004 election for airing an allegedly false report about Bush’s attendance at the Texas Air National Guard. Rather’s reasons for filing suit are valorous:

“CBS broke with long-standing tradition at CBS News and elsewhere of standing up to political pressure,” says Rather. “And, there’s no joy in saying it, they caved … in an effort to placate their regulators in Washington.”

Fight the good fight.

Ten Rules for Web Startups 

This seems like a good list. And it comes from Evan Williams of Blogger and Odeo and Twitter fame. (Make sure to take note of number 11.)

Tabbed Breadcrumb Navigation 

This is a really neat idea for sites that are “deep and wide.” See it in action over at Yahoo Food.